The Power of Prayer

Prayer follows me. It is who I am…and who I have become.

Don’t get me wrong…I do not profess to be “holier than thou”.

It is just something that I do.  

The fact is…I was scared.

In the middle of my divorce, fear was my constant companion.  I couldn’t breath without reaching for my rosary. Oh yeah…did I mention,  I am born and raised  Catholic. (Don’t get me started.)  (I have my fair share of “issues” with the Catholics)   Aside from that…I have been “born again”…not once… but twice.  In addition, I studied and embraced Kabbalah. It made sense to me.  And without question, I bless the Buddha  when our paths intersect. How can you not feel compelled to rub the belly of  Buddha?

The fact is…I’m a closet believer. I never want to climb on my soapbox and talk about GOD. It ends up sounding preachy, conceited, directional. Who am I to tell you how to get through your own nightmare ? Besides… HE…never guaranteed that I would get through mine.  HE never appeared in a vision and said, “I will wipe away all of your fears and I will bestow upon you happiness…and joy…and light.

No…there was no vision. Only Faith.

And yet…that is exactly what has happened for me. There is happiness. There is joy.. There is light.


Because I pray.

And in the midst of this mess we call life…I stumble upon countless opportunities, to enlighten and share  the wonder  of God. I wait for your direction…a comment…a question…and in careful fashion, I share, the goodness that I have seen. I encourage you to embrace the God of your chosing.  He will find you.  He will comfort you.  He will bring the answers you seek.  He will change the way you live your life.

Prayer is simple. It involves communication. It requires surrender. It’s easier than you think.   

The Power of Prayer

The day was long, the burden I had borne

Seemed heavier than I could longer bear,

And then it lifted – but I did not know

Some one had knelt in prayer;

Had taken me to God that very hour,

And asked the easing of the load, and He,

In infinite compassion, had stooped down

And taken it from me.

We cannot tell how often as we pray

For some bewildered one, hurt and distressed,

The answer comes, but many times those hearts

Find sudden peace and rest.

Some one had prayed, and Faith, a reaching hand,

Took hold of God, and brought Him down that day!

So many, many hearts have need of prayer:

Oh, let us pray!

author unknown

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